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Wbs. abbr.
abbr., econ. without benefit of salvage
WB abbr.
abbr. Wage Bill; William Butler; Women's Bureau; World Bank; wagon box; Waiver Of Business; Wanna Battle; Warner Brothers Television Network; wash bucket; Washington/ Baltimore; Water Ball; Water Buffalo; WayBill; We Blow; We Boogie; We Brood; We Brothers; We Bullshit; We're Bastards; Weak Base; Weapon Bonus; Weather Base; Weather Bureau; Web Board; Wee Bastards; Week Beginning; Weekly Bullshit; Wellfare Broadcasting; Wess And Bagger; West Brunswick; Wet Basis; whale boat; What Bull; westbound (proceeding or headed west Val_Ships); West Base; wet bulb thermometer; wheelbarrow; Whining Babies; Whiny Bitch; White Bandits; White Base; White Bison; White Boxes; Whitefish Bay; Wicked Bastards; Wide Body; Wife Beater; Will Blossom; William Benedict; Wimpy Bastards; Wing Body; With Blowing; Without Brains; Without Bras; Wolf Blitzer; Wonderful Beverley; wood base; workbench; WorkBench (Amiga, Commodore); World Of Balance; Worship Beelzebub; Worthless Bastards; Worthless Boobs; Would Be; Wow Bad; Wreck Batman; Wrestling Board; Write Binary; Writers Block; Water Ballast
abbr., avia. weather bomber; wire bundle; wiper blade; the World Bank; weight and balance manual; wing box; wire book; work bench
abbr., bank. World Bank (MichaelBurov)
abbr., busin. waste book; Way Bill; will be
abbr., chem. wiring board
abbr., chem., scient. Water Based
abbr., dentist. woven bone (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dog. Winner's Bitch
abbr., earth.sc. water balance; water boat; Weibull Distribution; West Burma; wet and dry bulb thermometer; wet bulb temperature; wood biomass
abbr., el. warm boot; way base; wire bonding; word boundary; whole body counter
abbr., el., scient. Wide Band
abbr., expl. wet-bulb temperature
abbr., food.ind. White Bread
abbr., inet. Wanna Be; Welcome Back; Why Bother
abbr., IT Write Back; WriteBack
abbr., law Well Behaved; White Boy
abbr., Makarov. water ballast; wideband
abbr., med. Whole Blood; Willowbrook (virus); washed bladder
abbr., media. Warner Brothers; White And Black; White Balance; Warner Bros. Television
abbr., mil. warband (bajituka)
abbr., mining. wedge bar; wheel base
abbr., multimed. write buffer
abbr., oil water blanket; washable base; wash basin; water board; water box; Wavy bottom mill or shoes; wear bushing; weekly benefits; welded bonnet; West Britain; Woodbine; work book; write-block
abbr., opt. wide bandwidth
abbr., physiol., med. Weight bearing; Western Blot
abbr., polym. wet bulb
abbr., progr. write-back (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Web Browser
abbr., radio, scient. Wideband
abbr., relig. We Believe
abbr., space wide beam
abbr., st.exch. Wachovia Corporation
abbr., telecom. white balance (Jazzgirl)
abbr., tradem. Wirsbo Bruks AB (Швеция)
energ.ind. wet-bottom; wind box
IT welcome back
mil. wage board; warehouse book; water bottle; weekly bulletin; wheelbase; word before
tech. waste boiler; whole body; wide-band; wide-beam; work breakdown
Wb abbr.
abbr. buoyant weight
abbr., med. weber
abbr., opt. weber
wb abbr.
med. Whole Blood (цельная кровь aksolotle)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects