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noun | noun | to phrases
Th abbr.
abbr., dril. throttle
abbr., earth.sc. homogenisation temperature; theorem; thulite
Th. abbr.
abbr. theory; throttle; Thursday
abbr., earth.sc. theorem
Th abbr.
abbr. thorax; thenardite; Thursday
abbr., med. thorium; helper T lymphocytes
agric. Thoroughbred
TH abbr.
abbr. Table Heads; Territory Of Hawaii; Thai; Theim; Thursday; Tim Horton; Tom Hanks; thermoid; threaded (fiammetta); toilet-paper holder; Transmission Header; Transmittal Header; Truly Hierarchical
abbr., anim.husb. transhydrogenase
abbr., auto. throttle valve; tread hysteresis
abbr., avia. transition height; target height; test hardness; test harness; three hearts; track-and-hold; true horizontal; tooling inspection instrumentation
abbr., cardiol. tyrosine hydroxylase (Игорь_2006)
abbr., cartogr. towhead
abbr., chem., scient. Thorium
abbr., el. table handling; tapered hemispherical-ended (fiber); terminal handler; tetrahedral hole; third-harmonic; through-hole; timer higher-order byte; tracking head; trap handler; trap handler routine; Trojan horse; tungsten halogen lamp
abbr., el., scient. Through Hole
abbr., facil. test house (igisheva)
abbr., IT Table Header; Think Hardware; Time History
abbr., math., scient. Theoretical Hypothesis
abbr., med. T Helper (cell); Thenar; Thermic; Thyroid; Transhepatic; tetrahydrocortisol; thyrohyoid; tyrosinehydroxylase
abbr., mil. Targeting High; Training Helicopter; Time Hopping
abbr., mil., avia. tail-heavy
abbr., mil., WMD test hardware
abbr., O&G, casp. town hall (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. high pressure condensate
abbr., O&G, sakh. tank height
abbr., O&G. tech. tubing hanger (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil thence; tight hole; total hardness
abbr., photo. Tungsten-Halogen
abbr., physiol., med. Thyroid Hormone
abbr., polit. Thailand
abbr., polym. tail-to-head
abbr., refrig. total heat
abbr., relig. Trinity House; Trinity Hymnal
abbr., scottish Terrain Height; True Heading; Thailand (NATO country code)
abbr., soil. thermic soil temperature regime
abbr., sport. Tournament Hours
abbr., tech. thermal efficiency; thermal element
abbr., tradem. Travel And Hospitality
abbr., transp. Threshold; Town Highway
energ.ind. theoretical studies; thermal-hydraulics; titration for hardness; turbine hall
mil. terminal homing; towed howitzer; training helicopter; transport helicopter
physiol., med. Thoracic
tech. T helper cell; telegraph apparatus; telephone; television hologram; transponder hopping
tradem. Thiokol
th abbr.
abbr. 100000 Btus; therm
abbr., earth.sc. thermie; hyperbolic tangent
O&G threshold
polym. theoretical; thermal; thickness
unit.meas. thousand (igisheva)
th. abbr.
abbr. telephone; thermit
abbr., earth.sc. thermal
abbr., phys. thermion; threshold
abbr., sport. thoroughbred
O&G, sakh. tonnes
abbr. tail heavy; thermit; thermometer
abbr., avia. tooling hole
abbr., badm. two hands
abbr., busin. things
abbr., comp. tape handler
abbr., earth.sc. tholeiite; time horizon
abbr., life.sc. helper T cell; thyrotropic hormone
abbr., met. tap hole
abbr., oil temperature of homogenization; total head; total hydrocarbon
abbr., R&D. total height (igisheva)
abbr., space total temperature
abbr., telecom. time hoping
: 1 phrase in 1 subject