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شعار n
gen. brand; slogan
comp., MS banner (A large-format publication, typically with one dimension much larger than the other, that is printed with a symbol, logo, slogan or other message); logo (A distinctive symbol that identifies you, your business, or your organization. It can combine a name, motto, and graphics)
econ. badge; mark; motto; symbol
prof.jarg. hair maker (في في دمشق من يصنع الشبك للنوافذ ، وفي حمص هو الذي يقوم بنسج بيوت الشعر للبدو من شعر الماعز; http://tarek.kakhia.org/)
 Arabic thesaurus
شعار abbr.
abbr., comp., MS బ్యానర్‌
: 15 phrases in 4 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Veterinary medicine3