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زجاج n
comp., MS glass (A visual effect that imparts a quality of translucency to windows)
econ. glass
UN, econ. glazing
زجَّاج n
prof.jarg. glass maker (من يعمل أواني الزجاج من القناديل والقناني والقطرمي ا زت حيث يصهر رمل الزجاج مع (الجير) الكلس في تنور ثم ينقل لتنور آخر فيمسك بعضه كالعجين; http://tarek.kakhia.org/)
زجاج Aero n
comp., MS Aero Glass (A graphic mode that is available with Aero UI that supports 3D graphics, visual effects, and animation as well as the regular features of Aero UI)
زُجاج n
med. glass
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
Food industry2
Soil science2
United Nations1