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حكم n
gen. judgement; referee; ruling; govern; judge; rule
brit. bill
econ. award; concise; conclude a bargain; decision; decree; determination; estimation; judgment; provision; regulate; sentence; statement; trial; verdict
IMF. umpire law
law judgment final decision (هو آل قرار یصدر عن سلطة قضائية صالحة وفقا للقانون واللإجراءات المتّبعة، وهو عادة یقفل المحاآمة بوضعه حدا للمنازعة بين المتخاصمين، ویكون الحكم معللاً، ویصدر الحكم من سلطة تتمتع بولایة الحكم، وذلك بعد ختم مناقشات جميع الشهود وتقدیم المرافعات .); sentence punishment assigned by the court (قرار صادر من المحكمة.); adjudication
حُكم n
environ. judgement The official and authentic decision of a court of justice upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit therein litigated and submitted to its determination. The final decision of the court resolving the dispute and determining the rights and obligations of the parties. The law's last word in a judicial controversy, it being the final determination by a court of the rights of the parties upon matters submitted to it in an action or proceeding; sentence (قضائي)
حَكَم n
med. arbitrator
حُكْم n
econ. referee; umpire
: 133 phrases in 10 subjects
Corporate governance2
International Monetary Fund3
United Nations4