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scale [skeɪl] n
comp., MS 級別 (The capacity and performance of a given streaming media deployment. Web server networks are considered to be of a much larger scale compared to Windows Media server networks for delivering media streams, because of the ubiquity of HTTP); 縮放 (To enlarge or reduce the display of an item, such as a drawing or a proportional character font, by adjusting its size proportionally)
 English thesaurus
scale [skeɪl] abbr.
abbr. scale length
mil., abbr. sc
SCALE [skeɪl] abbr.
abbr., astronaut. space checkout and launch equipment
abbr., comp., net. Scalable Architecture for Large Enterprises
abbr., scottish Syllabically Companded And Logically Encoded delta modulation
tech. syllabically compounded and logically encoded data
scale: 7 phrases in 1 subject