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rip [rɪp] v
comp., MS 翻录 (To copy digital media content from an audio CD. Content may be converted to a different format during the ripping process)
 English thesaurus
RIP [rɪp] abbr.
abbr. Randomly Insulting People; Rape In Piss; Ras Interacting Protein; Raster Image Process; Raster Image Processing; Raster Image Processor (DTP); Read, Interpolate, and Plot; Real Intense People; Reality Isn't Perfect; Really Idiot Proof; Really Into Partying; Reconnaissance Information Point; Recreation Internship Program; Reduction Implementation Panel; Reductions in Personnel; Register of Intelligence Publications; Regulated Interaction Protocol; Regulation Of Investigatory Powers; Remedy In Place; Rendering In Pen; Repair In Place; repair-inspection-paint (Yeldar Azanbayev); Reprints And Interactive Permissions; Requiescat In Pace; Resolute In Punishment; Resources Into Pixels; Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography; Rest In Pain; Rest In Peace (or Requiescat In Pace : latin); Rest In Piece; Rest In Pieces; Rest In Pissed; Rest In Pizza; Riddled In Parasites; Router Information Protocol; Routing Interchange Protocol; Rude Immature Player; Russian Imperial Porter; надгробная надпись: rest in peace (4uzhoj)
abbr., anim.husb. record in progress; records in progress
abbr., avia. reference installation plan; remote instrument package; request for instrumentation preflight; research in progress
abbr., avia., Canada restricted instrument procedure
abbr., el. rapid isothermal processing; reactive ion plating; reception information protocol; ring interface processor; routing information processing
abbr., electr.eng. Resin Impregnated Paper (Jimmy)
abbr., EU. REACH Implementation Project (lexicographer)
abbr., file.ext. Program crash report (Quincy); Remote Access Graphics; Remote Imaging Protocol; Ring Index Pointer
abbr., immunol. ribosome-inactivating protein; Ribonucleoprotein Immunoprecipitation (Гера)
abbr., inet. Routing Information Protocol
abbr., IT raster image processor (Bricker); rest in peace (Bricker)
abbr., lat. requiescat in pace (rest in peace Vosoni)
abbr., med. ribosome inhibitor protein; radioimmunoprecipitation
abbr., mil. register of intelligence publications
abbr., mil., air.def. radar improvement program
abbr., mil., avia. radar identification point
abbr., mining. resin-in-pulp
abbr., opt. refractive index profile
abbr., plast. resin injection processing
abbr., polym. radiation-induced photoconductivity; reduced internal pressure; resin-inpulp
abbr., post Recognition Improvement Program
abbr., railw. Repair, Inspect, and Paint (x741)
abbr., tech. Reliability Improvement Program (Vosoni); Resin-In-Pulp process (Vosoni)
abbr., telecom. routing information protocol (ssn)
abbr., textile Review of Textile Progress
mil. radar identification point; radar improvement plan; radiological information plot; receiving inspection plan; recoverable item program; reduction in personnel; reenlistment incentive program; regional interdiction plan; reliability improvement plan; resin impregnation; retirement improvement program; rocket-impelled projectile
tech. reactor internal pump
USA Remediation in Progress
wood. rough-mill improvement program
rip [rɪp] abbr.
abbr., hydrol. rip current (MichaelBurov)
rip. v
gen. ripieno