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noun | abbreviation
 English thesaurus
SPIRIT ['spɪrɪt] abbr.
abbr. Simultaneous Paperless Imaging Retrieval Information Technology; Social Participation Inclusion Rights Independence And Tenacity; Special People Increasing Results Involves Teamwork; Strategic Partnering In Resourcing Information Technology; Strength Perseverance Imagination Responsibility Integrity And Talent
abbr., ed., scient. Student Projects Involving Rocket Investigation Techniques
abbr., el. sequentially planarized interlevel isolation technology; service providers' integrated requirements for information technology; special purpose integrated remote intelligent terminal
abbr., law Support Police Immediate Response Intervention Team
abbr., logist. Service & Parts Integrated Recognition Terms (gorbulenko)
abbr., med. Stroke Prevention in Reversible Ischemia Trial (iwona)
abbr., mil. Special-Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal; Spectral Infrared Interferometric Telescope
abbr., physiol., med. Special People Inspiring Recovery In Time
abbr., relig. Special People Interested And Responsible Involving Togetherness; St Pauls Incredible Repasts Inspire Togetherness
abbr., scottish Spectral Infra-red Rocket-borne Interferometer Telescope; Special Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal
spirit ['spɪrɪt] abbr.
abbr. s
Spirit ['spɪrɪt] abbr.
abbr. spiritualism
SPIRIT ['spɪrɪt] abbr.
abbr., space special purpose integrated remote intelligence terminal