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to phrases
power ['pauə] n
comp., MS snaga (Strength exerted; might)
Power ['pauə] n
comp., MS Napajanje (A button that shuts down or restarts the PC)
 English thesaurus
power ['pauə] abbr.
abbr. pow
abbr., auto. PWR/Pwr./ pwr
mil., abbr. pdr
POWER ['pauə] abbr.
abbr. People Operating Wisely Enjoyably And Responsibly; People Organized To Win Employment Rights; Perspectives On Work Education And Responsibility; Presenting Opportunities Where Everyone Rises; Productivity Optimization Workflow Empowerment Reengineering; Promoting Outstanding Work Ethics And Responsibility; Providing Oneself With Employment Resources; Power Optimization With Enhanced RISC (chip, IBM, Apple, Motorola)
abbr., comp., IT Performance Optimization With Enhanced Risc
abbr., ed. Peers Offering Wellness Education Resources
abbr., el. performance optimization with enhanced RISC
abbr., file.ext. Performance Optimization with Enhanced RISC (IBM)
abbr., inet. Pennsylvania Online World Of Electronic Resources
abbr., IT Priority Output Writer, Execution processors and input Readers; Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC
abbr., media. Prepare Organize Write Edit And Rewrite
abbr., mil. Prepare Organize Work Evaluate And Rethink
abbr., nautic., scient. PROFS Operational Weather Education and Research
abbr., relig. People Organized With Evangelistic Results
tech. performance optimization with enhanced RISC architecture
Power ['pauə] n
comp., net. Redundancy/Redundant Card
physiol., abbr. X
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Non-governmental organizations2