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attack [ə'tæk] n
gen. napádať
 English thesaurus
attack [ə'tæk] n
IT An actual occurrence of an adverse event
mil., abbr. atak; atck; atk; attk
mil., logist. Main act of the offensive maneuver aiming, by the combination of fire and movement, either at destroying a designated enemy, or at chasing him away from the areas which he occupies, by imposing on him as many losses as possible. 2. The principal form of military or combat operation, employed to destroy the enemy and seize key areas, battle lines or installations. It involves using all available firepower to defeat enemy forces, decisive assaults, a high rate of advance into the depth of the enemy's disposition, killing his troops or taking them prisoner, and seizing weapons, equipment and key enemy installations and territory. The scale of an offensive may be strategic, operational or tactical and it may take the form of large-scale battles, operations, battles and other types of combat. (UKR/NATO)
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
Criminal law1
Information technology1