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noun | verb | adjective
leaf The main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants, usually consisting of a flat green blade attached to the stem directly or by a stalk [li:f] n
environ. fulla
 English thesaurus
LEAFS abbr.
abbr., chem. laser exited atomic fluorescence spectrometry
leaf [li:f] abbr.
abbr. l; lf
biol. leaflet
LEAF [li:f] abbr.
abbr. Lake Eden Arts Festival; Lamar Educational Awards Foundation; League Of Educators And Families; Liberian Educational Achievement Foundation; Linking Education Activity And Food; Liverpool Epilepsy Associates And Friends; Local Enterprise Assistance Fund; London Effects And Animation Festival; Lovely Exquisite Angelic Four; large effective area fiber
abbr., agric. Linking The Environment And Farming
abbr., avia. large effective-area fiber
abbr., comp., net., IT Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall
abbr., ed. Layman Education And Activation Form; Learning Education And Fun
abbr., el. LISP extended algebraic facility
abbr., environ. Latrobe Environmental Action Forum
abbr., inet. Library's Easy Access Files
abbr., IT Little Embedded Application Fragment
abbr., law Law Enforcement Access Field
abbr., mil., avia. Large European Acoustic Facility
abbr., mil., WMD Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation
abbr., oil Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation Inc
abbr., scient. Learning Experiences and Activities in Forestry
Nasdaq Interleaf, Inc.