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noun | abbreviation
ARE [ɑ:] n
math. کارآيي نسبي مجانبي
 English thesaurus
are [ɑ:] n
nonstand. our (просторечие Technical)
ARE [ɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Association for Research and Enlightenment   ؛All Routes Explorer (ATM)
abbr., archit., scient. Architect Registration Examinations
abbr., avia., Canada altitude reservation service East
abbr., BrE Admiralty Research Establishment   ؛Assault Royal Engineers
abbr., comp., net. All-Routes Explorer   ؛ATM Routing Engine
abbr., el. algebraic Ricatti equation   ؛audio response equipment
abbr., el., scient. Activated Reactive Evaporation
abbr., electr.eng. automatic reclosing equipment   ؛automatic restoration equipment
abbr., geogr. APE (LyuFi)   ؛Arab Republic of Egypt (LyuFi)
abbr., inet. Acronym-Rich Environment
abbr., mil., avia. activated reactor evaporation
abbr., opt. activated reactive evaporation
abbr., physiol. Active-Resistance Exercise   ؛Antioxidant Response Element
abbr., physiol., med. Active- Resistance Exercise
abbr., proj.manag. architect registration exam
abbr., qual.cont. asymptotic relative efficiency
abbr., railw. A. and R. Line Incorporated
abbr., scottish Applicazioni Radio Elettroniche SpA (Italy)   ؛Atelier de Construction Roanne (France)
abbr., st.exch. Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.
mil. acoustic radiation element   ؛airborne radar extension   ؛aircraft reactor equipment   ؛aircraft recovery equipment   ؛auxiliary rocket engine
tech. antenna range equipment
ARE [ɑ:] abbr.
abbr. Aeronautical Research Establishment
abbr., comp.name. Applied Reservoir Engineering & Evaluation, Ltd.
abbr., conv.notation. United Arab Emirates (igisheva)
abbr., earth.sc. anion responsive electrode   ؛average relative error
abbr., nucl.phys. aircraft-Reactor Experiment
abbr., oil absolute relative error   ؛activated reaction evaporation   ؛anion response electrode   ؛automatic record evaluation
abbr., space absolute rate error   ؛Apollo reliability engineering