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port [pɔ:t] n
comp., MS gátt (An actor's interface component through which actors communicate with other actors); flytja (To change a program in order to be able to run it on a different computer); tengi (A hardware- or software-based interface used to transfer information between a computer and other devices. Hardware ports are physical connections that are visible on the outside of the computer. Software ports are the numbered gateways in programs that software programs use to exchange information)
 English thesaurus
port [pɔ:t] n
gen. portamento
abbr. portrait; p (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. portable
abbr., oil portable
commer. ports
mil., abbr. pt
slang suitcase (portmanteau)
port. abbr.
abbr., libr. portrait
PORT [pɔ:t] abbr.
abbr. Portable Outstanding Reliable And Tested; Projects, Objectives, Results, Technologies; Providing Options And Resources Today; portable
abbr., auto. intake or exhaust port; portion; port throttle
abbr., avia. part and order release tracking; photo optical recorder tracker
abbr., comp., net. portable radiotelephone terminal
abbr., ed. People Offering Resources Together
abbr., el. photo-optical record tracker
abbr., med. Psychosocial Oncology Research Training. Programme En Oncologie Psychosociale Pour La Recherche Transdisciplinaire; Patient Outcome Research Team; Programmable Oral Release Technologies
abbr., mil. Portable
abbr., mil., avia. portable
abbr., oncol., med. Pediatric Oncology Resource Team
abbr., polit. Portugal
PORTS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. physical oceanographic real-time system
abbr., mil. Physical Oceanographic Real Time System; Port Characteristics File; portable remote telecommunications system
abbr., mil., avia. portable receive/transmit station
abbr., oil physical ocean real-time system
abbr., space portable remote telecommunications system; portable receive and transmit system
mil. Portable Receive and Transmit System; Portable Remote Telecommunications System; Seaports Files
mil., abbr. Portable Remote Telecommunications System; Seaports Files; Portable Receive and Transmit System
Port. abbr.
abbr. Portuguese
abbr., earth.sc. Portugal
geogr. Portugal (Vosoni)
ports. abbr.
abbr., libr. portraits
Port [pɔ:t] abbr.
abbr. Left side (looking forward)
port Port number [pɔ:t] n
IT The act of probing a system to identify open ports
PORT [pɔ:t] abbr.
abbr., med. Patient Outcomes Research Team (ННатальЯ); Pneumonia Outcomes Research Team (Игорь_2006)
abbr., ophtalm. punctate outer retinal toxoplasmosis (doc090)
: 8 phrases in 2 subjects