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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
tips n
met. orejas f
tip [tɪp] n
gen. basurero m; propina f; punta f; remision; consejo práctico
agric., industr. boquilla con filtro
baseb. pellizco m
bot. ápice m
chem. tubo de colada
coal. vertido de escombros; escombreras f
comp., MS sugerencia f (A type of note that helps users apply the techniques and procedures described in the text to their specific needs. A tip suggests alternative methods that may not be obvious and helps users understand the benefits and capabilities of the product. A tip is not essential to the basic understanding of the text)
industr., construct. puntera f
industr., construct., met. portaaguja f
mater.sc., mech.eng. tobera f; boquilla f; orificio m
pack. boca f; pico vertedor; cuello m
tech. extremo n; golpecito m; inclinación longitudinal; palmadita f
waste.man. vertedero controlado
to tip [tɪp] n
agric. despuntar
environ. verter basuras
tip advice [tɪp] n
ed. consejo m
tip [tɪp] v
baseb. pellizcar
el. cable de la punta; conductor de la punta
tips abbr.
fin. consejos; trucos
 English thesaurus
tip [tɪp] abbr.
abbr. theory in practice
abbr., AmE dump (брит. Bobrovska)
amer. gratuity (чаевые - amount of money given for services rendered Val_Ships)
TIP [tɪp] abbr.
abbr. tonoplast intrinsic protein
abbr., genet. translation inhibitory protein
abbr., mil., avia. TACAMO improvement program
abbr., nautic. Tripoli Libya; Tarabulus Libya
TiP [tɪp] abbr.
abbr. titanium pump
Tip. abbr.
abbr. Tipperary (Anglophile)
TiP [tɪp] n
UN Trafficking in People (acronymfinder.com Reklama)
Tip [tɪp] n
telecom., abbr. T
TIPS abbr.
abbr. Targeted Implementation and Planning Supports; Tax Information Phone Service; Technical Information Processing System; Telephone Information Processing System; Tianrong Internet Products; To Insure Prompt Service; Tobacco Information and Prevention Source; Transition Induction and Progression Strategies; Traumatic Injury Prevention Strategies; treasury inflation-protected securities (Alexander Matytsin); Teaching In Pentecostal School; Teamwork Improves Performance And Success; Technique Insight Personality And Speed; Technique Insight Psyche And Speed; Technique Intelligence Personality Speed; Technology Integration For Performance Standards; Teleconference For Increasing Profits And Sales; Terrorism Information And Protection System; Terrorist Incident Profile System; The Incidental And Pertinent Stuff; The Initiative Press And Seminars; Themes Intention Plan Steps; Theory Of Inventive Problem Solving; To Insure Polite Service; Transhepatic Intrajugular Portosystemic Shunt; Transition Induction And Progression Strategies; Trick Into Police State; Trim Integration Product Suite; Truevision Image Paint Software (TI); Trunk Inventory Provisioning System; theoretical indicative pricing system; Treasury inflation protection securities
abbr., avia. Threat Image Projection System; test information planning sheet; test item planning sheet
abbr., earth.sc. TERRA information processing system; thematic mapper image processing system
abbr., ed. To Insure Proper Service; Training for Intervention Procedures
abbr., ed., scient. Teaching In The Psychological Sciences; Teaching Interaction Principles And Strategies; Theory of Inventive Problem Solving; Tufts Interns Preparing Students; Tutorials In Problem Solving
abbr., el. Taiwan Industrial Products Services; teaching information processing system; technological information pilot system; tera-instructions per second; text information processing system; tilt implanted punchthrough stopper; top-surface imaging process by silylation
abbr., fin. Treasury Inflation-Protected Security
abbr., health., med. Transjugular Intrahepatic Porto-Systemic shunt
abbr., IT trillion instructions per second
abbr., law Terrorism Information Prevention System
abbr., med. Tobacco Information And Prevention Source; Transjugular Intrahepatic Portacaval Shunt (study); Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt; transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (harser); transvenous intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (ННатальЯ); transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic stent-shunt; transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt ( (harser)
abbr., mil. Terrorism Information And Prevention System; Test Item Pool Service; Tactical Imagery Processing System; Thermal Imaging Processing System; tactical optical surveillance system TOSS imagery processing system
abbr., mil., avia. technical information processsing system
abbr., physiol., med. Transjugular Intrahepatic Porto Systemic
abbr., scottish Tactical Infra-red Projection System; Total Integrated Pneumatic System
abbr., space theater integrated planning system
abbr., st.exch. Treasury Inflation Protected Securities
abbr., tradem. Telephone Interpreting Service
abbr., UN The Inevitable Police State
chem. impeller tip speed
mil. tactical imagery processing set; tactical intelligence processing system; Target Intelligence Packages; technical information processing system; telemetry impact prediction system; telemetry integrated processing system; test information processing system; total information processing system
tech. technical information phone service; terminal information processing system; terminal interface processors; thermal image processing system; transistorized inverter power supply
: 363 phrases in 51 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Book binding1
Chemical fibers1
Earth sciences7
Electric motors1
Fish farming pisciculture3
Health care1
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology9
Laboratory equipment1
Life sciences1
Materials science5
Mechanic engineering36
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Natural sciences12
Pest control7
Physical sciences5
Power system protection1
Sound recording3
Textile industry1
Veterinary medicine1
Video recording1
Waste management3