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tara [tə'rɑː] n
life.sc., agric. taro (Colocasia esculenta); colocasia f (Colocasia esculenta); malanga f (Colocasia esculenta)
 English thesaurus
tara [tə'rɑː] n
agric. tara
TARA [tə'rɑː] abbr.
abbr. Technology And Resource Advisor; Tenants And Residents Association; Trade Alternative Reform Action; Tranquil And Relaxing Ambience; Track Analysing And Recording Apparatus
abbr., avia. terrain avoidance radar
abbr., commer. Technology Area Review and Assessment
abbr., ed. Technology And Action For Rural Advancement
abbr., el., scient. The Absolute Reference Audio
abbr., med. Total Articular Replacement Arthroplasty; Tumor-associated Rejection Antigen
abbr., media. Television And Radio Achievement
abbr., mil. Track Analyzing And Recording Apparatus
abbr., relig. Tenacious Awesome Righteous Applause
mil. tactical reconnaissance aircraft
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
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