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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
sod [sɒd] n
agric. cubrir con césped; encespedar; césped precultivado; capa de hierba
ecol. césped m
life.sc., agric. cespedón; champa f; pastelón; suelo con protección herbácea; tepe m
sodding ['sɔdɪŋ] v
agric. limpieza de zanjas
life.sc., construct. champas; pastelones; revestimiento con tepes
 English thesaurus
sod [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. sodomy
rude sodomite
vulg. fuck (по всей видимости является сокращением слова sodomize Баян)
sod. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. sodium
SOD [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. Sea Of Destiny; Seconds Of Day; Shadow Of Death; Sign Of The Day; Sell Out Diddy; Signatures On Demand; Societe d'Etudes pour l'Obtention du Deuterium; Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Sprint On Dirt; State Of Destruction; Statement of Defence (Yakov); Sucking Off Dicks
abbr., auto. seat occupied detection
abbr., avia. sustained operational date; system operation design; system operation description
abbr., bacteriol. selective oropharyngeal decontamination (Игорь_2006)
abbr., biochem. superoxide dismutase (супероксиддисмутаза GhostLibrarian)
abbr., chem., scient. Super Oxide Dismutase
abbr., dentist. size of defect (MichaelBurov); School Of Dentistry
abbr., el. serial output data; service-on-demand; service order; silicon on diamond; simulation on demand; small object detector; spin-on dielectric (material); spin-on dopant source; surface oriented diode
abbr., el., scient. Small Outline Diode
abbr., IT Screen Of Death; Service On Demand
abbr., ling. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Alter Al)
abbr., market. share of demand (Scaramouch)
abbr., med. septo-optic dysplasia (Игорь_2006); source-object distance (harser); surgical officer of the day
abbr., media. Shadows Of Darkness
abbr., mil. Season Of Death; Soldiers Of Destruction; Spear Of Destiny; Stormtroopers Of Death; Strategy and Options Decision; Summer Of Death; special operations division; strategy and options decision (Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System)
abbr., mus. Soft On Demand
abbr., O&G, sakh. sales office director
abbr., oncol., med. Septo Optic Dysplasia
abbr., physiol., med. Sodium; Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction
abbr., police Special Operations Division; some other dude (кто-то другой, as in "he seems to be innocent, SOD did it" Val_Ships)
abbr., sport. Sire Of Distinction; Skate Or Die; Steal Of The Draft
abbr., tradem. SuperOxide Dismutase
ecol. sediment oxygen demand
mil. Secretary of Defense; special operations detachment; systems operational description; systems operational design
O&G optical smoke detector
tech. shallow outside diameter
SODS abbr.
abbr., astronaut. space operations data system
abbr., el. subordinate operations data system
abbr., space shuttle operational data system
SoD [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. segregation of duties (SEIC ABelonogov)
Sod [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. sodalite
SOD [sɔd] abbr.
abbr. Standard Oil Development Co.; Superintendent of Documents, GPO
abbr., busin. sell-off date; seller's option to double
abbr., earth.sc. specific oxygen demand; Standard Oil Development Company
abbr., med. space orientation disorder (ННатальЯ)
abbr., space Secretary of Defence
abbr., sport. superoxide dismutase
abbr., textile synthetic organic dyes
SoD [sɔd] abbr.
IT Solution on Demand (N.Zubkova)
: 25 phrases in 11 subjects
Life sciences2
Natural sciences1