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SIM [sɪm] abbr.
comp., MS, mexic. SIM (A smart card that stores a subscriber's personal identifier, billing information, and data)
 English thesaurus
sim [sɪm] n
R&D. simulation (MichaelBurov)
SIM [sɪm] abbr.
abbr., avia. Serial Interface Module (ВосьМой)
abbr., med. Italian Society for the Menopause (ННатальЯ)
Sim.N.S. n
UK Simon's Chancery Reports, New Series
sim [sɪm] abbr.
abbr. similar; simple; simulate; simulator
abbr., busin. similarity
sim. abbr.
gen. simile
abbr., earth.sc. similar composition; similar
SIM [sɪm] abbr.
abbr. School Of International Management; Separatist Insurrectionary Movement; Simulator; Società di Intermediazione Mobiliare; Solar Irradiance Monitor; Space Interferometry Mission; Strategy Intervention Model; SACLANT staff instruction manual; School of Industrial Management; Scientific Instrument Module; Sensor Interface Module; Signal Interface Module; Systems Integration Management; secondary ion imaging mass spectroscopy; secondary-ion microscopy
abbr., auto. safeguard information mode; security identify module; safety information module
abbr., automat. sales integrated manufacturing; system information management
abbr., avia. Simbai, Papua New Guinea; Station Information Manual; system implementation methodology (Baan technique); scientific instrumentation module; simulated machine indexing; supplemental information memorandum; supplier issue management; synchronous induction motor; system interface module
abbr., busin. Scientific Inventory Management
abbr., comp. Subscriber Installation Module (translator911)
abbr., comp., IT Single Inline Memory
abbr., comp., net. Society for Information Management; shared information model
abbr., comp., net., IT Subscriber Identification Module
abbr., comp.name. Shell International Marine, Ltd.
abbr., data.prot. security information management (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., earth.sc. method of synthesis integration; spatial integration method; Standard Institute of Malaysia; suspended inorganic matter
abbr., ed., scient. Students In Mission
abbr., el. set initialization mode; satellite interface module; scanning ion micrograph; scanning ion microscope; screen interchange module; sequential inference machine; service interaction manager; single in-line memory; single interface mode; spurious intensity modulation; stepper image monitor; subscriber interface module; switching interface module; synchronous interface module; system information manual; system integration module
abbr., el., scient. Source Independent Measurement
abbr., electr.eng. substation integration module
abbr., food.ind. Salads Immortally Milked
abbr., HF.electr. subscriber identity module
abbr., IT Service Information Message; Subscriber Identity Module; Telix SIMPLE script source; Structured-illumination microscopy (Altuntash); subscriber identification module (Bricker); Strategic Information Management
abbr., Makarov. selected ion monitoring
abbr., math., scient. Simple Integration Method
abbr., med. Small Intestine Mesentery; Society For The Internet In Medicine; Society Of Industrial Microbiology; Society Of The Internet In Medicine; Specialized Intestinal Metaplasia; Society for Industrial Microbiology; Simbes; Society of Industrial Medicine
abbr., media. Secrets Of Internet Millionaires; Studio For Interrelated Media
abbr., microsc. N-SIM (MichaelBurov); Nikon structured illumination microscopy (MichaelBurov); SIM microscopy (MichaelBurov); structured illumination microscopy (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. system impact message
abbr., mil., air.def. simulated approach; surface to air missile intercept missile
abbr., mil., WMD selective ion monitoring
abbr., oil sandy intramicrite; skid interface module
abbr., progr. set interrupt mask (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Spatial Information Management
abbr., qual.cont. selective inventory management; simulation
abbr., relig. Serving In Mission
abbr., scottish SAM Intercept Missile; Space Interceptor Missile
abbr., sec.sys., IT Secure Intelligent Menu System
abbr., space satellite interpretation message; simulated method; solar ultraviolet spectral irradiance monitor; surface-to-air missile intercept missile; synchro interface module; system integrity monitoring
abbr., st.exch. Grupo Simec S. A. de C. V.
abbr., tech. Signal Import Module (Ронис Анастасия); Signal Input Module (Trimble jamaliya); student instructional material
abbr., transp. Schedule of Implementation Procedures
abbr., vibr.monit. standard interface module (modinn)
mil. selected item management; sensors interface module; sergeant instructor of musketry; staff instruction manual; surface-to-air intercept missile; systems integration model
tech. service information memorandum; service interface module; stellar image monitor; subscriber interface modules
Sim [sɪm] abbr.
abbr. Simulator / Simulation
abbr., names, dimin. Simeon; Simon
Sim. abbr.
abbr. Simon's Chancery Reports
SiM. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. shipping mark
: 18 phrases in 4 subjects