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noun | abbreviation
Ru n
nucl.phys. Ru m; rutenio m
 English thesaurus
ru n
gen. are you (сокращение, принятое в SMS КГА)
abbr., earth.sc. radiation unit
abbr., med. ruby-eye
ru. abbr.
abbr., libr. runic
RU abbr.
abbr. Relative Units; Resonance Units; Are You? (Alex Lilo); R?d Ungdom (youth section of R?d Valgallianse Alex Lilo); Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands Alex Lilo); Radford University (Alex Lilo); Radio Unit (Alex Lilo); Radioulnar (joint Alex Lilo); Raviv Ricky Ullman (actor Alex Lilo); Ready Use; Receive Unit; Recorder Unit (Alex Lilo); Records Unlimited (Alex Lilo); Recycled Uranium (Alex Lilo); Regulatory Unit (Alex Lilo); Reino Unido (Spanish: United Kingdom Alex Lilo); Remote Unit (Alex Lilo); Reproducing Unit (Alex Lilo); Request/Response Unit; Rescue Unit (Alex Lilo); Resident Unit; Residential Unit (Alex Lilo); Residual Urine (volume Alex Lilo); Response Unit (Vosoni); Restaurant Universitaire (Alex Lilo); Rhodes University (Grahamstown, South Africa Alex Lilo); Rhutenium (Alex Lilo); Rider University (New Jersey Alex Lilo); Ridna Ukraina (Alex Lilo); Rig Up (oil driliing Alex Lilo); Rockefeller University (Alex Lilo); Root User (Linux Alex Lilo); Row Uniform (Alex Lilo); Rowan University (Glassboro, NJ Alex Lilo); Royaume Uni (French: United Kingdom Alex Lilo); Rubberized Urethane (Alex Lilo); Rugby Union; Russia (top level domain Alex Lilo); Rutherfordium (Alex Lilo); Ryerson University (Toronto, Ontario, Canada Alex Lilo); US Revenue Private Die Playing Card (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately Alex Lilo); Russian linguistics (Alex Lilo); raies ultimes; request / response unit
abbr., afr. Rhodes University/Rhodes-Universiteit
abbr., avia. remote unit; routing unit; Air Bridge Cargo Airlines (Cargo)
abbr., biol. rat unit
abbr., chem., scient. Ruthenium
abbr., commun. Recording Unit
abbr., ed., scient. Rice University; Rutgers University
abbr., el. recovery unit; refrigeration unit; register unit; Roentgen unit; run up
abbr., energ.ind. reference utility (MichaelBurov); reference utility approach (MichaelBurov); RU approach (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Are You...
abbr., IT Read Uncommitted; Reader User
abbr., media. Radio Userland
abbr., mil. Rack Unit; Ready Units; Replaceable Unit; Request Unit; rescue unit
abbr., mil., air.def. report unit
abbr., mus. Rhythmic Unit
abbr., nucl.pow. Recovered Uranium (menade)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. rig up
abbr., oil rigged up; rigging up; rotary unit
abbr., oil.proc. refinery utilization (MichaelBurov)
abbr., pharma. Receiving Unit (Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., physiol., med. Routine Urinalysis
abbr., police Responsibility Unit
abbr., polit. Russian Federation
abbr., soil. rudic phase
abbr., telecom. rack unit (высота устройства в стойке, напр. 14RU size Inbar)
abbr., transp. Runs Up
meteorol. Russian; rain intensity unknown
mil. range user; reinforcement unit; release unit; repair unit; reporting unit; retransmission unit; Roundup
tech. ready-use; rigging-up
Ru abbr.
abbr. ruthenium
Ru. abbr.
abbr. Rumania; Russian
abbr., libr. Russia
Ru n
lat. Ruth
RU abbr.
abbr., avia. reconnaissance unit
abbr., busin. risk unit
abbr., earth.sc. radiance unit; rutile
abbr., immunol. resonance unit (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., oil latex-rubber-covered wire; reading of unknown; reflected upgoing; rigging rigged up; receiver, upper
abbr., textile registered user