
Google | Forvo | +
ammo contornear; tiro
chem. cuadrado con un canto romo
dialys. ciclo; serie; visita
fin. redondeo
industr. construct. cruponado; cilindrado
| nose
transp. avia. proa
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | noun | verb | to phrases
round [raund] n
ammo contornear; tiro m
chem. cuadrado con un canto romo
round i.e., series of administrations [raund] n
dialys. ciclo m; serie f
round doctor’s round, clinical visit by physician/nurse [raund] n
dialys. visita f
round [raund] n
gen. alrededor m; ronda f; rotundo n; cartucho m
agric. equilibrado n; árbol no resinado
agric., industr., construct. tongada f
coal. andanada f; voladura f
construct. barra redonda; escalón; grada f; peldaño m
math. redondo m; redondear
met. carga f
rounds n
met. redondo m
rounding ['raundɪŋ] v
agric., industr., construct. cilindración
fin. redondeo
industr., construct. cruponado; cilindrado
math. curvatura; redondear
 English thesaurus
round [raund] abbr.
abbr., construct. rd.
mil., abbr. rd; rnd
round [raund] n
insur. round trip; Round voyage
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2