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restraining order [rɪs'treɪnɪŋˌɔːdǝ(r)]
law orden de restricción; orden inhibitoria; interdicto m (generic covering any kind of restraint);  inhibitoria f
restraining order legal document requiring someone to stay away from another person or place [rɪs'treɪnɪŋˌɔːdǝ(r)]
law inhibitoria f; orden de entredicho
 English thesaurus
restraining order [rɪs'treɪnɪŋˌɔːdǝ(r)]
law legal document requiring someone to stay away from another person or place; A court order that tells a person to stop doing something for a certain amount of time, usually until a court hearing is held
restraining orders
law temporary restraining order (4uzhoj)
restraining order
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects