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verb | noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
props [prɔps] v
transp., construct. puntales de cubierta
prop [prɔp] v
gen. puntal; respaldo; sosten
agric. piquete; poste; rodrigón; tutor
coal. freno
coal., industr., construct. andamio
construct. puntales de apeo
stat., agric. madera para minas
wood. estacón; machón; viga; pieza de una estructura de madera
propping v
gen. apeo; apoyo; apuntalamiento
construct. jabalcón; puntal; tornapunta
life.sc., el. apuntalado; sostenimiento
props not of metal v
gen. codales puntales; puntales no metálicos
to prop v
construct. apuntalar
prop propeller v
tech. hélice
 English thesaurus
props [prɔps] n
lit. Objects, furniture and similar items used on stage within a play to create the setting.
Prop [prɔp] abbr.
abbr., med. propionate
abbr., oil propping agent
props [prɔps] adj.
progr. properties
props. abbr.
abbr. properties
props [prɔps] abbr.
abbr. property
slang proper respect (см. статью в Lingvo Ася Кудрявцева)
PROPS [prɔps] abbr.
abbr., comp., net., IT Peers Running Organized Play Stations
props: 52 phrases in 9 subjects
Life sciences3
Mechanic engineering4
Wood processing3