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comp., MS Lugares
gen. posar
bank. plaza
baseb. puesto
med. locus
pack. espacio
patents. colocar; lanzar al mercado; localidad
comp., MS lugares
| where
gen. ¿dónde?
| trials
health. ensayo
| and
gen. e
| legal proceedings
 legal proceedings
patents. procedimiento jurídico
| occur
gen. abogar
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
place [pleɪs] n
gen. posar 128
bank. plaza f
med. locus m; lugar m (locus)
pack. espacio m
patents. colocar; lanzar al mercado; localidad f
places n
comp., MS lugares m (Any disk drive, folder, or other place in which you can store files and folders. Programs will commonly ask you to choose a location to save a file)
comp., MS, mexic. Lugares m (Any disk drive, folder, or other place in which you can store files and folders. Programs will commonly ask you to choose a location to save a file)
Places n
comp., MS Lugares m (A feature of the Windows 8 Bing Weather app that lets users choose geographic locations in which to track weather and personalize the app with these choices)
place in standings [pleɪs] n
baseb. puesto m
placing ['pleɪsɪŋ] v
gen. montaje en obra
fin. colocación
industr., construct., chem. encacetado
place [pleɪs] adj.
gen. meter; sentar; sitio
comp., MS apartado (A window that is part of the navigation layer in the Dynamics NAV application)
environ., geogr. lugar
math. posición (e.g., in the ones place = en la posición de las unidades); situar (e.g., place numbers on a number line = situar los numeros en recta numérica)
 English thesaurus
PLACE [pleɪs] abbr.
abbr. Park Land Acquisition For Conservation And Environmental; People And Literacy Achieving Community Enrichment
abbr., avia. position location and aircraft communication experiment; position location and aircraft communications experiment; position location aircraft communications equipment
abbr., ed. Program For Licensing Assessments For Colorado Educators
abbr., el. position location and aircraft communication equipment
abbr., file.ext. Programming Language for Automatic Checkout Equipment
abbr., med. Priorities For Local Aids Control Efforts
abbr., mil., avia. position location and aircraft communications equipment
tech. position location and aircraft communications equipment
place where
: 24 phrases in 7 subjects
Health care1