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pixel ['pɪksl] n
comp. elemento de información gráfica; pixel m (elemento de imagen)
comp., MS píxel m (The smallest element used to form the composition of an image on a computer monitor. Computer monitors display images by drawing thousands of very small pixels arranged in columns and rows)
immigr., IT, astronaut. elemento de imagen
IT, el. punto de imagen
math. píxel m
telegr. elemento explorado
pixel A contraction of the words 'picture element'. The smallest unit of information in an image or raster map. Referred to as a resolution cell in an image or grid ['pɪksl] n
environ. pixel m
 English thesaurus
pixel ['pɪksl] abbr.
abbr. Picture Element
abbr., adv. picture elements
abbr., comp. px (acrogamnon)
PIXEL ['pɪksl] abbr.
abbr. PIcture ELement
abbr., mil. Picture Element
pixel: 29 phrases in 6 subjects
Information technology7