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agric. cerdo magro; cerdo de engorde
health. cerdo; chancho; cochino; marrano; puerco
gen. los cerdos; los puercos; los cochinos
| feeder
gen. alimentador
| co-operative
stat. account. cooperativas

noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
pig [pɪg] n
agric. cerdo magro; cerdo de engorde; cerdo cebón; cerdo de carne; cerdo de cebo
health. cerdo m; chancho m; cochino m; marrano m; puerco n
life.sc., anim.husb. cerdo m (Sus scrofa domesticus)
mamm. cerdo m (Sus scrofa (domesticus))
met. arrabio en arena; lingote de hierro de primera fusión; lingote de hierro
oil raspador m
tech. envase sumamente fuerte que se usa para transportar material radioactivo; lingote m
pigs n
gen. los cerdos; los puercos; los cochinos
anim.husb. especie porcina; ganado porcino; porcinos n
math. cerdos m
pig [pɪg] v
agric. cerdo cebado
pigging v
met. colada en lingotes
 English thesaurus
PIG [pɪg] abbr.
abbr. Party In Group; Pipeline Inspection Gadget; Pipeline Inspection Gauge; Pizza Is Good; Politically Incorrect Game; Portable Information Guide; Pretty Intelligent Girl
abbr., comp., net., IT Port Ingestion Group
abbr., inet. Persistent Internet Game; Pure Intelligent Guy; Pursuant Of Immediate Gratification; Python Interest Group
abbr., IT program idea generator
abbr., law Persuasion Is Good; Pride, Integrity, Guts; Protection Interface Grants
abbr., math., scient. Physical Improbability Generator
abbr., mil. Program Implementation Group
abbr., mil., avia. pendulous integrating gyroscope
abbr., police Pride, Intergrity and Guts (Interex)
abbr., scottish Pendulous Integrating Gyro
abbr., sport. Play Interactive Games; Purely Independent Games
abbr., st.exch. Passive Income Generator; Phenomenal Income Growth
abbr., tradem. Performance Import Group; Psion Interest Group
tech. Penning ionization gage; Philips ionization gage
pig [pɪg] abbr.
abbr. pigment; pipeline inspection gauge (Moscow Cat)
abbr., oil pulling
mamm. gourouni (Sus scrofa (domesticus)); choiros (Sus scrofa (domesticus))
slang eats too much (He is a pig at parties)
Pig [pɪg] abbr.
abbr. pigeonite
agric., abbr. P
PIG [pɪg] abbr.
abbr. Phillips ion gauge; Phillips ionization gauge
abbr., avia. program image generator
abbr., earth.sc. Pacific Institute of Geography
abbr., geophys. Penning ion gauge; Penning ionization gauge
abbr., hydrol. Pine Island glacier (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil Pipeline Industries Guild
abbr., space photoelectric impulse generator
abbr., tech. pipeline inspection gage
: 399 phrases in 26 subjects
Animal husbandry52
Chemical fibers1
Energy industry1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry2
Health care32
Information technology3
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation4
Natural sciences8
Veterinary medicine11