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pathfinder ['pɑ:θ'faɪndə] n
avia. localizador de trayectoria
 English thesaurus
pathfinder ['pɑ:θ'faɪndə] n
mil., abbr. pfdr
mil., logist. Paratrooper qualified for military free fall at high or very high altitude, with weapon and individual equipment, in teams, by day and by night. (FRA)
pathfinders n
mil., logist. Team of about ten Military free fall qualified personnel, instructed and trained in order to carry out specific combat missions, by daytime as well as night time, namely: 1. facilitating the landing of units, whether paratroopers or not; 2. preparing the engagement of these units; 3. carrying out autonomous actions. (FRA)
pathfinder: 3 phrases in 3 subjects
United Nations1