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noun | verb | to phrases
panning ['pænɪŋ] n
comp., MS panorámica f (In computer graphics, a display method in which a viewing window on the screen scans horizontally or vertically, like a camera, to bring offscreen extensions of the current image smoothly into view)
tech. encuadramiento f
TV panoramización; tomar vistas panorámicas
panning ['pænɪŋ] v
comp., MS movimiento panorámico (A multi-touch gesture that consists of one or two fingers moving in the same direction, parallel to each other)
pan [pæn] v
comp., MS presionar y mover (To navigate through screens or menus at a controlled rate, performed by putting your finger(s) on and keeping contact with the phone's touch screen while moving it around)
comp., MS, mexic. desplazar (To navigate through screens or menus at a controlled rate, performed by putting your finger(s) on and keeping contact with the phone's touch screen while moving it around)
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects