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to phrases
outfit ['aut'fɪt] n
gen. dotacion; equipo m; traje m
agric. montura f; equipamiento m
coal., construct. equipo de perforación
pack. confección; diseño m; presentación; decoración f (of a package, de un envase o embalaje)
police batallón; compañía f
social.sc. parafernalia f
tech. conjunto de utensilios y accesorios (para reparaciones); equipar; juego de herramientas
 English thesaurus
outfit ['aut'fɪt] n
gen. a set of clothes worn together, especially for a special occasion (She bought a new outfit for the party. • a cowboy outfit)
brit. a set of equipment that you need for a particular purpose or job (a kit: a tyre repair outfit)
inf. an association of persons, especially a military unit or a business organization (My outfit was sent to Italy during the war. • a small advertising outfit in San Diego)
outfit: 22 phrases in 11 subjects
Fishery fishing industry2
Health care1
Mechanic engineering3
Natural sciences1
Textile industry1
United Nations1