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non-directional beacon
tech. radiofaro no direccional (método de navegación radioenfilada a través de señales de radio, emitidas desde puntos fijos)
transp., avia. radiofaro no direccional
UN, tech. radiofaro de radiación circular
non directional beacon
commun., transp., avia. radiofaro no direccional
 English thesaurus
non-directional beacon
avia., Canada An LF/MF or UHF radio beacon transmitting non-directional signals whereby the pilot of an aircraft equipped with direction-finding equipment can determine his or her bearing to or from the radio beacon and "home" on or track to or from the station. When the radio beacon is installed in conjunction with the instrument landing system ILS marker, it is normally called a marker beacon.
Non-Directional Beacon
abbr., scottish NDB
non-directional beacon
: 2 phrases in 1 subject