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abbreviation | noun
narc [nɑːk] abbr.
social.sc. estupa; narco*; señores
 English thesaurus
narc [nɑːk] n
inf. narcissist (someone with high self-regard, who does what advances their well being, often to the exclusion of others' happiness urbandictionary.com personnealienee)
narc [nɑːk] abbr.
USA narcotics agent
NARC [nɑːk] abbr.
abbr. National Association for Retarded Children; National Atmospheric Radiation Center; National Atmospheric Radiation Centre
abbr., avia. North American Rockwell Corporation
abbr., busin. narcotics
abbr., med. Narcotic; National Association For Retarded Children; Nucleus Arcuatus; narcotic officer; Narcotics Addiction Rehabilitation Center; National Association for Retarded Citizens
abbr., mil. non-automatic relay center
abbr., mil., avia. National Aeronautical Research Committee
mil. nonautomatic relay center
USA Narcotics Police Detective