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noun | adjective | to phrases
moras n
life.sc., fish.farm. - (Moridae)
nat.res., fish.farm., engl. moras f (Moridae)
mora ['mɔ:rə] n
bot., Venezuel. mora de Guayana Mora excelsa
 English thesaurus
MORA ['mɔ:rə] abbr.
abbr., avia. minimum off-route altitude
abbr., physiol., med. Mandibular Orthopedic Repositioning Appliance
abbr., telecom. Movement Based Routing Algorithm (AlexanderGerasimov)
abbr., transp. Minimum Off Route Altitude
MORAS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mobile rawinsonde system
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Life sciences1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1