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noun | abbreviation
mel [mεl] n
med. miel f
nat.sc. unidad de medida del tono; mel m
 English thesaurus
Mel [mεl] n
geol. Melekesskian Age (MichaelBurov); Melekesskian time (MichaelBurov); Melekesskian Stage (MichaelBurov); Melekesskian strata (MichaelBurov); Melekesskian sequence (MichaelBurov); Melekesskian (MichaelBurov)
mel [mεl] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mellilite
MEL [mεl] abbr.
abbr. Managing Employment Liability; Master of English Literature; melamine; minimum equipment list (ABelonogov); Minister of Employment and Labour; Mitsubishi Electric Corp.; Music Education League; the Music Education League; Magnesium Electron Ltd.; Microwave Engineering Laboratories
abbr., avia. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Minimum Equipment List (MichaelBurov); material equipment list; multi engine licence; multi-engine licence
abbr., commer. minimum earnings level
abbr., earth.sc. many element laser; Metals Exploration, Ltd.; Mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation
abbr., ed. Michigan Electronic Library; Midway Elementary Library
abbr., el. memory embedded logic; multi-emitter logic; multilevel emitter-coupled logic
abbr., electr.eng. minimum excitation limiter
abbr., expl. melinit
abbr., IT Maya Embedded Language; Most Efficient Level
abbr., med. Melena; Metabolic Equivalent Level; Miniature Electromechanical Latch; Mouse Erythroleukemia; Melao
abbr., mil. Master Events List; Minimum Equipment List; Mobile Equipment Load; maintenance expenditure limit
abbr., nautic. Melbourne, Australia
abbr., O&G, sakh. minimum effect level
abbr., oil mechanical efficiency log; micro electric log; Marine Engineering Laboratory; methyl ethyl lead; microlog
abbr., oncol. MELanoma
abbr., opt. maximum excess loss
abbr., pharm. melphalan
abbr., scient. Multi Engine Land
abbr., scottish Missile Ejector Launcher
abbr., sec.sys., IT Mime Encoding Library
abbr., shipb. main equipment list; marine engineer laboratory
abbr., space Materials Evaluation laboratory
abbr., st.exch. Mellon Financial Corporation
abbr., tech. materials engineering laboratory
abbr., transp. Mercury Edsel And Lincoln
avia. Directive to select military power
ecol. maximum exposure limit
mil. maneuvering element; many-element laser; master equipment list; material engineering laboratory; military education level; mobile erector launcher
physiol., med. Melanoma
tech. multiemitter logic
Mel [mεl] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. melange