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leap [li:p] v
gen. brincar; saltar; salto
 English thesaurus
LEAP [li:p] abbr.
abbr., AI. LEAP (Programmiersprache der KI)
abbr., avia. leading edge analysis program
abbr., mil., avia. leading edge advanced package
LEAP [li:p] abbr.
abbr. Lake Erie Art Project; Leapnet, Inc.; Learning Earning And Parenting; Learning Evaluation And Planning; Life Events Access Project; Louisiana Educational Assessment Program; Lame Events After Promos; Landscape Ecology Awards Program; Language Enrichment Activity Program; Language Exploratory And Appreciation Program; Lawrence Education Achievement Partners; Leadership Education Association And Passion; Leadership Education For Association Progress; Leadership Effectiveness Attribute Profile; Leadership Excellence Achievement And Purpose; Learn Empower Achieve And Produce; Learning And Education To Advance Procurement; Learning Enabled Administrative Processes; Learning Exploring Achieving Program; Levels Of Excellence Achievement Program; Light Emitting Acrylic Panel; Literacy Enhancement For Academic Progress; Literature Experience And Practice; Litter Elimination Awareness And Prevention; Local Economic Assessment Project; Look Evoke Assess And Publish; Low-power Enhanced At Portable; Lunar Eclipse Analogue Project
abbr., agric. Livestock Environmental Assurance Program
abbr., comp., net. Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (translator911)
abbr., cryptogr. lightweight extensible access protocol
abbr., earth.sc. lake eutrophication analysis procedure
abbr., ed. Leadership Education For Adult Professionals; Learning Enrichment Activities Program; Learning Exploring And Participating; Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership; Local Education Agency Plan; Loudoun Education Alliance Of Parents; Louisiana Education Assessment Program
abbr., ed., scient. Learning English For Academic Purposes; Learning Enrichment Academic Program; Liberal Education For Arts Professionals
abbr., el. language for the expression of associative procedures; low energy advanced process system
abbr., environ. Local Environment Agency Plan
abbr., IT Lightweight Extensible Agent Platform; Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol; Linux Enthusiasts And Professionals
abbr., law Law Enforcement Against Prohibition; Law Enforcement Availability Pay
abbr., mil. Lightweight Exo- Atmospheric Projectile; Leading-Edge Advanced Packages; Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile; Light ExoAtmospheric Projectile; Logistics Evaluation and Assessment Programme
abbr., mil., WMD liquid electrostatic aerosol precipitator
abbr., physiol., med. Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention
abbr., scottish Lift-off Elevation and Azimuth Programmer
abbr., space lightweight exoatmospheric advanced projectiles; lightweight exoatmospheric projectile
ed. Lilongwe Education Assistance
mil. life extension and assessment program; lightweight exoatmospheric advanced projectile; logistic element action proposal; logistics event and assessment program
: 15 phrases in 9 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture4
Information technology1
Life sciences1
Mechanic engineering1