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law enforcement agency
ed. agencia del orden público
law servicio de seguridad; fuerza o cuerpo de seguridad; policía f; servicio policial
law, commun. autoridad competente
law enforcement agencies
gen. servicios encargados de la ejecución de las leyes
law entidades de procuración de justicia
UN, sl., drug. organismo de represión
Law Enforcement agency
law Agencia del orden público
 English thesaurus
law enforcement agency
USA Any of a number of agencies outside the Department of Defense chartered and empowered to enforce US laws in the United States, a state or territory or political subdivision of the United States, a federally recognized Native American tribe or Alaskan Native Village, or within the borders of a host nation (JP 3-28)
Law Enforcement Agency
IT, abbr. LEA (ETSI, ETSI 201 671)
mil., abbr. LEA
law enforcement agency
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects