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grin [grɪn] v
gen. mueca
 English thesaurus
GRIN [grɪn] abbr.
abbr. Global Resource Information Network; Grant Toys International, Inc.; Great Resources In Nasa
abbr., agric. Germplasm Research Information Network
abbr., biotechn. graded-index (Altuntash)
abbr., el. gradient-refractive-index; graphical input; graphical interaction (language)
abbr., med. Germplasm Resources Information Network
abbr., mil. Gradient Refractive INdex (optical material)
abbr., opt. graded index; gradient index
tech. graded-refractive index; gradient-index optical fiber
telecom. Graded-Index Fiber
GRINS abbr.
abbr. GRaphical iNterface to SMIL (SMIL, Oratix)
GRIN [grɪn] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. graphic input
abbr., oil geographic reference identification number
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Textile industry1