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ft. abbr.
tech. pie
 English thesaurus
ft. abbr.
abbr., tech. fot
FT abbr.
abbr., IT floppy tape
abbr., met. finishing temperature
ft. abbr.
abbr. hd. feet-head; fiat - make; let it be made
abbr., earth.sc. foot
abbr., econ. feet; flat
abbr., sport. foot feet
abbr., tech. foot, feet
tech. 0,3048 m
ft abbr.
abbr. Filament Positive
abbr., auto. feetfoot; front trackwidth
abbr., med. fronto-temporal
abbr., tech. foot, feet
mus. featuring (Tpaku4)
O&G, sahk.r. feet
polym. foot
FT abbr.
abbr. flame tight; flow temperature; Foot; Free Trade; Full Time; Fair Trade; Favorite Things; Feed Through; Field Testing; Field Trip; File Type; Final Thrust; Financial Times; Financial Times newspaper; Finite Transducer; First Team; Flat Top; flush threshold; For Trade; Ford Truck; Foreign Talent; Fox Tango; France Techno; Francis Thornton; Franklin Universal Trust; Fred Tang; Free Throws; Freight Twenty; French Toast; frequency tracker; Fuck That; fumetight; Functional Trainer; Future Technology; fixed-term
abbr., adv. first telecast
abbr., auto. fuel trim; Fiat; free turbine; fill throttle
abbr., avia. fabrication tool; fast track; feature technology; flight training; false target; fatigue test; terminal weather forecast; fixed tab; flam temperature; flying tail; forecasts; form tool cutting; forming technology; fragile tools; fuel temperature
abbr., avia., med. fixed-task training
abbr., bank. funds transfer (Ying)
abbr., busin. fire and theft; flame temperature; flame thrower; flat; flight and testing; freight traffic
abbr., cartogr. fog trumpet
abbr., chem. fine thermal (carbon black)
abbr., commer. Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares
abbr., commun. Fault Tolerance feature
abbr., comp., net. frame type; fault tolerant
abbr., earth.sc. fission-track; floating target; fluctuating temperatures; fluorescent target; fluorite; fluvial terraces; force transducer; free troposphere; frontal thrust
abbr., el. cutoff frequency method; fast transverse wave; fault-tolerance; feedthrough; feed-through; fiber termination; fiber transfer; field tag; file transporter; fixed terminal; flash timing; flexible tracing; foreign transaction; formant tracker; frame transfer (imager); functional table; functional transducer; Fourier transformation
abbr., el., scient. Fourier Transform
abbr., electr.eng. fast thyristor; fault-tolerant; full time
abbr., footb. match finished (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., geophys. field tape
abbr., inet. Faint; Full Text
abbr., lab.eq. Free Testosterone; Free Thyroxine
abbr., logist. freight ton
abbr., math. flow table (ssn)
abbr., mech.eng. flat template
abbr., med. full-term; family therapy; fibrous tissue; finger tip; flame-tight; formol toxoid
abbr., media. frame imager
abbr., met. flash tank (makhno)
abbr., mil. Feet; Fort; flight test; functional tests
abbr., mil., avia. fabrication tolerance
abbr., mil., WMD fault tree
abbr., O&G formation tester (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. flow transmitter
abbr., oil feed tray; fine sand-grained tuff; fine tuning; fission track; fixed time; fixed tower; flanged taps; flowing temperature; flowline temperature; fluorotoluene; format type; formation testing; frequency and time; full terms; firing time; formation temperature; formation tester (andrushin)
abbr., opt. Fourier transform
abbr., pest.contr. smoke tablet
abbr., physiol. Fallopian Tube; False Teeth
abbr., polym. fine thermal carbon black; firing temperature
abbr., post Flats Terminal (CFS-Flats)
abbr., qual.cont. functional test
abbr., radio foot feet (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., scottish Firing Table; Follow Through; Force Terminal (Multiple-channel communications terminal (USA))
abbr., shipb. fire temperature
abbr., space flight team; functional test; fix time
abbr., sport. Football Team
abbr., sport., physiol. fast-twitch
el. Final test
energ.ind. fault tolerance; fissionable target; flexible turbines; temperature factor
meteorol. forecast; terminal forecast
mil. field test; field training; filing time; fire team; fire trench; firing tables; flamethrower; flight termination; flight time; flight trajectory; flying tanker; formal training; fresh target; fuel tanking; fully-tracked
oil, abbr. Fischer Tropsch
tech. field tests; filling time; fixed threshold; fluid temperature; frequency tolerance; frequency/time coding; full throttle
Ft abbr.
abbr. fort; filtrate recovered in t minutes; fleet; flight; Terminal Framing Bits (T-1)
abbr., earth.sc. forint
energ.ind. fluid temperature factor
fT abbr.
abbr. Transistor Frequency
Ft. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. fort
: 15 phrases in 7 subjects