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fiat | pressing
gen. urgente
agric. presión
agric. industr. prensado
astronaut. transp. cargamento por prensado
chem. moldeado; objeto prensado
earth.sc. comprimir
environ. prensar
footwear alisado
met. embutido

noun | noun | to phrases
 English thesaurus
FIAT ['faɪæt] abbr.
abbr. Fabbrica Italiana Automobile Torino
abbr., avia. first installed article test
abbr., econ. Fabrica Italian Automobile Torino
abbr., el. Federation Internationale des Archives de Television; floating interpretative automatic translator
FIAT ['faɪæt] abbr.
abbr. Failed In A Tunnel; Fails In Attempted Turns; Failure In Automotive Technology; Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation; Fits In A Thimble; Fix It Again Ted; Fix It Again Tomorrow; Fix It Again Toni; Fix It Again Tony; Fix It All The Time; Flats In All Tires; Found In A Trench; Frenzied Italian At Traffic; Frenzied Italian At Trafficklights; Fart In A Trance (Every organization has a person who seems to be perpetually in FIAT mode. Interex); Technical Field Information Agency
abbr., tradem. Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino
mil. first installed article tests
fiat pressing
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
International Monetary Fund4
Textile industry2