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f-number ['efˌnʌmbə]
commun., IT abertura relativa
f-number In photography, the diameter of the aperture expressed in terms of the focal length of the camera lens. The greater the f-number, the less light reaches the film and the more in focus the objects in the foreground and the background will be. For example, with an f-number = 16 the objects in the far background will be in focus. Whereas, with an f-number = 2 the background will be blurry (while foreground objects are in focus) ['efˌnʌmbə]
comp., MS apertura de diafragma (número f)
F number
rem.sens. número F
 English thesaurus
f-number ['efˌnʌmbə]
abbr. focal number
abbr., opt. f /#
f- number
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