
   English Spanish
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gen. ejecutor
law ejecutor testamentario
patents. procurador; síndico; abogado
proced.law. albacea
real.est. albacea
| of
gen. ante
| the
gen. el; los
| will
law testamento

to phrases
executor [ɪg'zekjutə] n
gen. ejecutor m
law ejecutor testamentario
patents. procurador m; síndico m; abogado m
proced.law. albacea m (executor testamenti)
real.est. albacea m
executors n
UN, sl., drug. organismos de ejecución
 English thesaurus
executor [ɪg'zekjutə] abbr.
abbr. exec; exr
law Person or company named in a will to carry out the will's instructions and requests. The executor is usually supervised by the probate court
law, abbr. exor.
executor of the will
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects
Procedural law1