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environmental management
environ. ordenación del medio ambiente; saneamiento del medio; gestión del medio ambiente; gestión medioambiental
polit. gestión ambiental
environmental management Planning and implementation of environmental policy as an integral part of the manufacturing process. Used to improve compliance with legislation, address stakeholder pressure and improve corporate image and raise awareness within the organization of environmental issues
polit. gestión ambiental (Planificación e implementación de polìticas ambientales como parte integral del proceso de la industria manufacturera. Se utiliza para mejorar el cumplimiento de la legislación, dirigir la presión de las partes interesadas, mejorar la imagen corporativa y sensibilizar a las organizaciones que tratan cuestiones ambientales)
environmental management Measures and controls which are directed at environmental conservation, the rational and sustainable allocation and utilization of natural resources, the optimization of interrelations between society and the environment, and the improvement of human welfare for present and future generations
environ. gestión ambiental
environmental management
: 48 phrases in 7 subjects
Name of organization2
United Nations24