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emergency relief operations
sec.sys. operaciones de socorro en emergencias; operaciones de socorro de urgencia
emergency relief operation
gen. operación de socorro de emergencia
 English thesaurus
emergency relief operations
mil., logist. Operations launched after natural disasters earthquakes, floods, drought, volcano eruption, etc. or technological biological, chemical, nuclear pollution.... They are at first characterized by the urgency of the needs, the need for an immediate reaction, the resort to projection assets, specialized personnel and light and heavy equipment that only armed forces can provide in time most of the time. Civilian organizations and NGOs progressively recover their predominant place later and the military tool can provide them with support that becomes then specific and marginal. These operations do not always come under a UN mandate, even if the United Nations are called to play a coordinating and contributing role UNHCR, UNICEF, etc.. It is a matter of humanity and international solidarity actions associated with the needs expressed by the victim nation. This is the so-called «catastrophe humanitarian relief» or «humanitarian assistance». (FRA)
emergency relief operations: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Name of organization1
United Nations1