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dismiss [dɪs'mɪs] v
gen. despedir; quitarse
comp., MS descartar (To reject or turn off a system notification such as a reminder, a new message alert or an alarm)
comp., MS, mexic. ignorar (To reject or turn off a system notification such as a reminder, a new message alert or an alarm)
law  desechar; desestimar (a case); sobreseer; desechar (a case); declarar sin lugar; despachar; rechazar (claim, action, appeal); retirar (charge)
patents. rechazar; rehusar; recusar
police mandar a romper filas
dismiss to let go v
law desechar; denegar
dismiss e.g., a case v
law desestimar
 English thesaurus
dismiss [dɪs'mɪs] v
law to let go, to refuse to give further hearing to a case in court; terminate legal action involving outstanding charges against a defendant in a criminal case
dismiss: 22 phrases in 5 subjects
Government, administration and public services1