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comp., MS almacenar en búfer
chem. poder tampón
commun. amortiguamiento
comp., MS almacenamiento en búfer
environ. acción tampón
IT el. almacenamiento temporal
life.sc. chem. acción amortiguadora

noun | verb | to phrases
buffering ['bʌfǝrɪŋ] n
comp., MS almacenamiento en búfer (As the client renders the stream, the interruption of flow while the client temporarily stores streaming content before playing it, in order to protect against playback interruption. The streaming content is downloaded into a buffer, and then played after an amount sufficient to prevent playback interruption has been stored. Buffering will always occur if the encoded bit rate of the stream exceeds the available network bandwidth. Because a Smooth Streaming presentation contains multiple copies of the video, each encoded at different bit rates, the client can use Smooth Streaming heuristics to switch to a bit rate that avoids buffering)
buffering ['bʌfǝrɪŋ] v
chem. poder tampón
commun. amortiguamiento
environ. acción tampón
IT, el. almacenamiento temporal
life.sc., chem. acción amortiguadora
med. utilización de una substancia tampón
buffer ['bʌfə] v
comp., MS almacenar en búfer (To use a region of memory to hold data that is waiting to be transferred, especially to or from input/output (I/O) devices such as disk drives and serial ports)
buffering: 20 phrases in 7 subjects
Food service and catering2
Information technology10