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chem. di-; bi-
duplexed | redundancy
econ. despido por causas económicas
el. redundancia
polit. despido colectivo
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abbreviation | noun | to phrases
bi- abbr.
chem. di- (Prefix denoting twice or two); bi- (Prefix denoting twice or two)
 English thesaurus
BI [baɪ] abbr.
abbr., ophtalm. base in (призма основанием к носу, т.е. для правого глаза - 0 градусов, для левого глаза - 180 градусов doc090)
Bi [baɪ] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. bismuthinite
abbr., oil Biot number
abbr., phys. intrinsic induction
Bi. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. biot
BI [baɪ] abbr.
abbr. Background Investigation; Beckman Instruments; Best Individual; Bintang Indonesia; Bislama; Block Island; Bureau Of Investigation; Business Improvement; Business Intelligence; Bac International; Bar Induction; Bastard Inside; Battlefield Interdiction; BEACHCOMBERS International; Beyond Incredible; Binary And Includes; Bitch Institute; black iron; Blessings International; Bomb Island; Buffered Image; bare soil index; backplane interconnect; Board of Investigation
abbr., adv. behavior identity
abbr., anim.husb. BioResearch Index; breeding index
abbr., auto. body computer input
abbr., avia. basic instrumentation; basic item; bearing indicator; Royal Brunei Airlines
abbr., avia., med. biographical inventory
abbr., biol. biological indicator (iwona)
abbr., chem., scient. Bismuth
abbr., commer. Banca d'Italia; Barclays Bank International, Ltd.
abbr., comp., net. Business Intelligence (Artjaazz)
abbr., comp., net., IT Backup Interface
abbr., dentist. balancing interference (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dril. bonding identification; broken insert
abbr., earth.sc. bioavailability index; biotic index; boundaries of ground inversions; braiding index
abbr., el. background image; backward indicator; batch input (device); batch interactive; behavior identification; binary image; biological intelligence; boron-interstitial pair; branch instruction; buried ITO electrode (structure); burn-in; bus interconnect; block increase
abbr., el., scient. Burn in; Bus In
abbr., exhib. business interruption insurance
abbr., file.ext. BASIC source code include file (Visual Basic)
abbr., insur. bodily injury
abbr., IT Basic Instructions; Binary Input; business intelligence
abbr., law Bad Influence; Bodily Injury
abbr., libr. bibliographic instruction
abbr., logist. Business Intelligent
abbr., market. brand identification (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., med. Bacterial Or Bactericidal Index; Bone Impaction; Bone Injury; Bowel Impaction; Brain Injury; bacterial index; brain-injured; Broca index; bum index
abbr., met. basic information
abbr., microel. bus idle
abbr., mil. battlefield injury; battle injury
abbr., nautic. Both Inclusive
abbr., O&G business interruption (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil band interruption; barometric indicator; battery inverter; Bermuda Islands; bidirectional; bifurcation index; bio-research index; bipartite; bituminous; bond index; branching index; bus interface
abbr., physiol., med. Baroclinic Instability
abbr., plast.surg. burn index
abbr., polit. Burundi; Balearic Islands
abbr., product. business interruption (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., progr. binary input (ssn)
abbr., relig. Beth Israel
abbr., space base intensity
abbr., st.exch. Bell Industries, Inc.
abbr., tradem. Bank Of Italy; Brand Identity
mil. background investigation; ballistic index; base ignition; basic infantry; battalion infantry; battle interdiction; battlefield illumination; biological inventory; block improvement
tech. back ionization; background illumination; background information; balanced input; blanking input; boron injection; buffer index
Bi [baɪ] abbr.
abbr. biotite; Biot criterion; Bismuth
abbr., med. bismuth
tech. biot
bi [baɪ] abbr.
abbr., libr. biography
abbr., slang bisexual
: 69 phrases in 22 subjects
Earth sciences2
Information technology8
International Monetary Fund3
Life sciences2
Mechanic engineering6
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences1
Rail transport1
United Nations2