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comp., MS Armas
crim.law. law int. law. arma; arma de fuego
environ. arma
law  arma
| that
gen. cuales; cuál; ese; esotro; estas
| are
math. eficiencia relativa asintótica
| capable
gen. capaz
of a | high order
IT el. orden superior
| of
gen. ante
| destruction
gen. anonadamiento
and/or | of
gen. ante
| being
med. existencia
| used
gen. usado
| in
gen. adentro
| such a
 such a
gen. tal
| manner
gen. actuación
| as
gen. como
| to
inet. a
| destroy
health. destruir
| large numbers
 large numbers
math. números grandes
| of
gen. ante
| people
law  fiscalía
| Weapons of mass destruction
 weapons of mass destruction
UN gen. armas de destrucción en masa
| can
agric. mater.sc. lata de conservas
| be
gen. adicto
| high explosives
 high explosive
chem. explosivo rompedor
| or
gen. o
| nuclear
health. nuclear
chemical, biological | and
gen. e
| radiological weapons
 radiological weapon
gen. arma radiológica
| but
gen. mas
| excludes
gen. descartar
| the
gen. el
| means
patents. medio
| of
gen. ante
transporting | or
gen. o
| propelling
tech. de impulsión
| the
gen. el
| weapon
environ. arma
| where
gen. ¿dónde?
| such
gen. tal
| means
patents. medio
| is
math. es
| a
gen. alguien
| separable
gen. separable
| and
gen. e
| divisible
math. divisible
| part of
 part of
gen. componente
| the
gen. el
| weapon
environ. arma
2 | Weapons
UN gen. armas
| which
gen. cual
| require
patents. solicitar
| limited
gen. limitado
| use
patents. empleo
| of
gen. ante
| troops
gen. tropa
| and
gen. e
| resources
tech. activos
| but
gen. mas
| which
gen. cual
| are
math. eficiencia relativa asintótica
| nevertheless
gen. no obstante
| capable
gen. capaz
| of
gen. ante
| causing
gen. determinar
| huge
gen. gigante
| losses
med. pérdidas
| and
gen. e
| destruction
gen. anonadamiento
| extending
math. ampliar
| to
inet. a
| irreversible
gen. irreversible
| environmental damage
 environmental damage
environ. daño ambiental
| The
gen. el
| principal
real.est. capital
| distinguishing features
 distinguishing feature
patents. característica
| of
gen. ante
| weapons of mass destruction
 weapons of mass destruction
UN gen. armas de destrucción en masa
| are
math. eficiencia relativa asintótica
| multiple
gen. múltiples
| destructive
econ. IT destructivo
| capability
IT transp. capacidad
| long-lasting
forestr. larga durabilidad
| damage
law  daños
| extending
math. ampliar
| beyond
gen. allende
| the
gen. el
| actual
gen. de veras
| target
comp., MS destino
| long-term
bank. largo plazo
| psychological
textile sicológico
| trauma
econ. traumatismo
| severe
health. muy fuerte
| genetic
health. genético
| and
gen. e
| ecological
ecol. ecológico
| consequences
psychol. consecuencia
| difficulties
gen. dificultades
| in
gen. adentro
| protecting
comp., MS proteger
| troops
gen. tropa
| and
gen. e
| the
gen. el
| population
environ. poblaciones
| and
gen. e
| in
gen. adentro
| eliminating
gen. eliminar
| the
gen. el
| after-effects
chem. efecto secundario
| of
gen. ante
| such
gen. tal
| weapons
UN gen. armas
| Weapons of mass destruction
 weapons of mass destruction
UN gen. armas de destrucción en masa
| include
gen. abrazar
nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
weapon ['wepən] n
crim.law., law, int. law. arma f; arma de fuego
law  arma f
Weapons n
comp., MS Armas f (A content descriptor developed by Microsoft)
weapon An instrument of attack or defense in combat, as a gun, missile, or sword ['wepən] n
environ. arma f
weapons v
UN armas
 English thesaurus
weapon ['wepən] n
law an instrument used or designed to be used to threaten or used to attack another; An instrument used or designed to be used to threaten, injure or kill someone
mil., abbr. wea; wep; wpn
mil., logist. Instrument or device used to attack or defend oneself in order to kill, wound or prevent the opponent from continuing combat. (FRA)
weapons abbr.
abbr., amer., slang hardware (The police were surprised by all the hardware the gang members had)
mil., abbr. wpns
Weapons v
mil., abbr. W
Weapons: 399 phrases in 30 subjects
Criminal law4
Energy industry6
Health care1
Hobbies and pastimes1
Human rights activism1
Immigration and citizenship2
Information technology1
International law1
Nuclear and fusion power1
Nuclear physics13
Obsolete / dated2
Research and development4
United Nations67