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gen. Virgo
| cluster
gen. racimo
bot. ramillete; umbela
comp., MS clúster
health. agrupamiento; conglomerado
hobby transp. haz
math. agrupar
nat.res. glomérulo

to phrases
Virgo ['vɜ:gəu] adj.
gen. Virgo
 English thesaurus
Virgo ['vɜ:gəu] abbr.
abbr., astr., lat. Vir (the Virgin, Дева Vosoni)
abbr., relig., lat. Virg. (Virgin Breviary)
VIRGO ['vɜ:gəu] abbr.
abbr. Variability of solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations; Variability of Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations (Vosoni)
Virgo: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Natural sciences1