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polit. UNICEF
| Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
econ. UN Comisión Económica y Social para Asia y el Pacífico
| Expert
gen. acertado; amaestrado
bank. especialista; perito
law lab.law. obrero cualificado; trabajador cualificado
| Consultation
polit. concertación
| on
gen. prendido
| Social
comp., MS sociales
- only individual words found

to phrases
UNICEF ['juːnɪsef] abbr.
polit. UNICEF
Unicef ['juːnɪsef] abbr.
econ. Unicef
 English thesaurus
UNICEF ['juːnɪsef] abbr.
abbr. United Nations International Children's Emergency
abbr., afr. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
abbr., econ. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
abbr., fin. United Nations Children’s Fund
abbr., geogr. UNICEF
ecol. United Nations Children's Fund
mil. United Nations Childrens' Fund
Unicef ['juːnɪsef] abbr.
econ. Unicef
UNICEF/ Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Expert Consultation on Social: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
United Nations1