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TPP abbr.
abbr. Teachers Pension Plan; Target Product Profile (Профиль предназначения продукта Dariy); TetraarylPorPhyrin; thermal power plant (Olga Okuneva); trans-1,5-polypentenamer; triphenylphosphine; 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium
abbr., anim.husb. thiamin pyrophosphate
abbr., astronaut. Telecommunication Preparatory Programme
abbr., auto. throttle position potentiometer; thermo-polypropylene; tread pattern profile percentage
abbr., automat. tapper
abbr., avia. Tarapoto, Peru; Technical Platform Prime; technology program plan; testability program plan; tip path plane; total-package procurement; technical policies and procedure; technological preparation of production; test pattern projector; tip-path plane; tool and production planning
abbr., biotechn. Trans Proteomic Pipeline (Altuntash)
abbr., chem. 2 βγδ-tetraphenylporphin
abbr., earth.sc. tetraphenyl porphyrin; tidal power plant; Timan-Pechora Petroleum Province
abbr., el. teletype page printer; terminal processing program; test pattern processing; tetraphenylporphine; triple product processor
abbr., el., scient. Thermal Protective Performance
abbr., electr.eng. thermal power plant
abbr., file.ext. Borland Pascal (Vosoni); Borland Pascal Protected Mode Library (Vosoni)
abbr., fin. Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement; trial period plan
abbr., int.rel. Trans-Pacific Partnership (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Borland Pascal Protected Mode Units; Text Presentation Program; Transaction Processing Performance
abbr., lab.eq. Thiamine PyroPhosphate
abbr., logist. Target Product Profile (ННатальЯ)
abbr., med. Tetraphenylporphyrin; Thiamine Pyrophosphate; Transpulmonary Pressure; Treadmill Performance Test; Tripeptidyl Peptidase; Triphenyl Phosphite; thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (ННатальЯ); treated-per-protocol (ННатальЯ)
abbr., media. Total Pitching Performance
abbr., mil. Theoretical Peak Performance
abbr., mil., avia. test pneumatic panel
abbr., nautic. Transpolar Passage (Venita); trans-polar passage (MichaelBurov); Trans Polar Passage (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. technical piping passport (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil thermoplastic polyester; transformational project paradigm; tripolyphosphate
abbr., org.name. Projets du PCT - Asie et Pacifique; Progetti PCT - Asia e Pacifico
abbr., physiol. Ternary Pulse Position
abbr., polym. triphenyl phosphate
abbr., post Technology Innovations Professional (USPS PCC professional certificate, 2006)
abbr., space technical program plan; telemetry preprocessor computer
abbr., sport. Timed Paired Practice; Total Possible Points; Toward Peak Performance
abbr., st.exch. Teppco Partners, L. P.
abbr., tech. touch point pressure (fa158)
biochem. Thiamine Pyrophosphatase
med. thiamin diphosphate
mil. Thermal Powerplant; total package procurement
tech. test point pace; thermal protection panel; thermally protected plastic; thiamine pyrophosphate; three-product processor; two-phase principle