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abbreviation | noun
TCN abbr.
IT número de control de la transacción
 English thesaurus
TCN abbr.
abbr., corp.gov. technical cooperation network
abbr., mil. third country national; troop contributing nations
abbr., tech. terminal change notice; transaction control number
TCN abbr.
abbr. The Texas Classified Network; Theatre Club Nanyang; Troop Contributing Nation; Topology Change Notification
abbr., avia. Tehuacan, Mexico; tooling change notice (notification); transport control number
abbr., commer. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation
abbr., el. telephone communications network; throughput class negotiation; time continuum number; track channel number
abbr., inet. Twin Cities NSP
abbr., med. talocalcaneonavicular (joint)
abbr., media. Trials Competition Newspaper
abbr., mil. Terrestrial Communications Network; Third Country National; Tracking Control Number; TACAN; Tactical Component Network
abbr., mil., avia. tactical communication node
abbr., mil., WMD Traffic control number
abbr., O&G, sakh. third-country nationals (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., physiol., med. Tetracycline
abbr., scottish Territorial Command Network (US Army)
abbr., space terrestrial core network
abbr., st.exch. Tele Norte Celular Participa
abbr., tradem. Tacoma Commercial Network; The Computer Nerd
abbr., transp. Transportation Control Number
mil. tactical communications network; telecommunications cooperative network; test change notice; transportation control number