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comp., MS Tienda
gen. almacenar; reten; silo
agric. despensa; existencias
agric. engl. stock
chem. acumulador
coal. el. parque de carbones
commer. bodega
| bulk
gen. bulto
masses | greater than
 greater than
math. mayor que
| kg
commun. tech. Kg.
| lbs
forestr. libra
| at
gen. alrededor
| temp
social.sc. lab.law. empl. trabajador sustituto
eratures not exceeding | C/...°F
 c. & f.
IMF. costo y flete
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
store [stɔ:] n
gen. almacenar; reten; silo m
agric. despensa f; existencias f; corredor m; gambuza f; existencias en almacen; ensilar; cerdo corredor
agric., engl. stock m
chem. acumulador m
coal., el. parque de carbones
commer. bodega f; depósito m
IT, el. almacén; memoria f
math. tienda f
met. precipitación a temperatura ambiente o al calor
nautic. pañol m
pack. depositar
transp. carga exterior
to store [stɔ:] n
IT, agric., el. almacenar
IT, tech. almacenar datos; memorizar; poner en la memoria
mater.sc. depositar
Store [stɔ:] n
comp., MS Tienda f (The online store where users can learn about and download apps for Windows)
Store … [stɔ:] n
chem. Almacenar …
store [stɔ:] v
agric. cerdo de engorde
storing ['stɔːrɪŋ] v
gen. congestión
IT, tech. memorización; conservación
mater.sc. almacenamiento
stores v
gen. reservas
transp., nautic., fish.farm. avituallamiento
 English thesaurus
store [stɔ:] abbr.
abbr., comp. storage
abbr., IT stor; str
abbr., mil., avia. st
.store n
file.ext. Businesses Offering Goods (Domain Name, Internet)
inet. Businesses Offering Goods (Domain Name)
STORE [stɔ:] n
mil. storage technology for operational readiness
Store bulk masses greater than … kg/… lbs at tem
: 1 phrase in 1 subject