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comp., MS Plata
gen. blanco
chem. plata
econ. plata
environ. plata
fish.farm. arenque fuertemente salado y ligeramente ahumado
food.ind. Ag; argentum
med. piata
life.sc. azogue
| with
gen. con
| elemental
gen. elemental
| abbreviation
polit. abreviaturas
| Ag
food.ind. E174
| and
gen. e
| atomic number
 atomic number
phys. número de protones
47 | is
math. es
| a
gen. alguien
| precious metal
 precious metal
econ. metal precioso
| often
gen. a menudo
| used
gen. usado
| in
gen. adentro
| jewelry
agric. industr. construct. joyería
| This
gen. aquella
| soft
health. blando
| alloy
el. método de aleación
| is
math. es
| both
gen. ambos
| the
gen. el
| highest
health. alto
| thermal conductivity
 thermal conductivity
phys.sc. conductividad térmica
| and
gen. e
| electrical conductivity
 electrical conductivity
tech. conductividad eléctrica
| of
gen. ante
| any
gen. ... cualquier...
| metal
econ. metal
| When
gen. ¿cuándo?
| exposed
health. expuesto
| to
inet. a
| aid
econ. sida
| the
gen. el
| metal
econ. metal
| oxidizes
chem. oxidar
| and
gen. e
| tarnish
gen. empańadura
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
silver ['sɪlvə] n
gen. blanco n
chem. plata f (argentum)
econ. plata f
fish.farm. arenque fuertemente salado y ligeramente ahumado
food.ind. Ag m; argentum m
med. piata f (argentum, Ag)
Silver ['sɪlvə] n
comp., MS Plata f (The intermediate level of service allocated to a case. The service contract a customer purchases determines the service level for its associated cases)
silver A very ductile malleable brilliant greyish-white element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal. It occurs free and in argentite and other ores: used in jewellery, tableware, coinage, electrical contacts, and in electroplating. Its compounds are used in photography ['sɪlvə] n
environ. plata f
silvering ['sɪlv(ə)rɪŋ] v
el. plateado
life.sc. azogue
met. plateadura
silver ['sɪlvə] adj.
food.ind. E174
 English thesaurus
silver ['sɪlvə] abbr.
abbr. sil; silv
jewl. Silver, with elemental abbreviation Ag and atomic number 47, is a precious metal often used in jewelry. This soft alloy is both the highest thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of any metal. When exposed to aid, the metal oxidizes and tarnish
Silver ['sɪlvə] n
food.ind., abbr. E174
Silver, with
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects